True leadership
There are two types of leaders in the startup ecosystems:
1. people who wanted to be the leaders and became leaders either overachieving or overstepping.
2. People who didn't want to be leaders but their team members needed somebody to take the helm and lead everyone ahead.
Somehow most of the startup fraternity has forgotten that the best leaders are those who became leaders because they needed to not because they wanted to.
Leadership which is offered by the people is more powerful than the leadership gained by asking for it.
There are different aspects and contexts to leaderships and how they are gained. But great leaders become leaders because the situation demands them to lead. Sometimes it’s the lack of seniority in the room, other times it’s the crisis situation bringing out the best among some and many times it’s the money which drives this decision of who will lead the pack.
Previously in forgotten times, brute physical strength and intellect were the drivers of the criteria to choose a leader among many. But as the time passed, the importance of intellect increased and translated into the materialistic things acquired with that intellect. Strength and the physical form was merely used for attractive a favourable mate and maybe play the psychological games when two equally powerful and qualified individuals came against each other.