Took me 3 days and 3 years to wrap my head around this.
It is not wrong to switch jobs. Part of exploring your true calling is moving on from something which cannot bring out the truest of yourself. A job or a workplace is practically what we do more than half of our waking life once we cross a certain age.
It is a common knowledge that finding a new talent is one of the most expensive and gruesome tasks for any corporation. Especially if we are talking about white collar or skilled blue collar workers. These people are tough to find and tougher to maintain. So companies use every possible tactic to hold on to them. To an extent, a certain amount of stigma is created around those who switch careers or jobs for their own benefit. Some of the idiots even call it career suicide. As if careers have their own lives. Oxymoronic statement is what it is.
So I spent the last 3 days just trying to figure out what I should study next to get out of my current predicament. I feel i am not in the right situation. But then I spoke with a few people on the road, on the phone and on the internet. (Mind you some of them I did not know at all).
Guess what, they feel the same way. Except my security guard who can be called an unskilled blue collar worker, every single person I spoke to either does not know what the fuck they are doing with their lives or do not care if they do not do a great job every day.
One cannot do great work everyday is the common saying among those who have given up or just parked this feeling since I dunno when.
But I like to do great work everyday. I do not like to worry about the results, I like to do great work. So I started thinking. Maybe I am at the exact spot I should be and instead of figuring out what I should be learning next, I should be learning what I feel is the right thing to learn anyways.
This unknown sensation of confidence swept over me for 30 minutes, then i started to fall back into old loops of self doubt. But I decided to let myself fly off the tangent, how did I do that?
I bored my mind to death by deleting all my youtube saved videos. I had to literally delete 800 saved videos before my YT account was clean and good as new. But this severely boring and repetitive task got me out of my loop. I replaced my self-destructive loop with some new loop which wasn’t really any helpful but was creating some new value for me.
I know this wouldn’t make sense to most of my readers, but rest assured given my situation I had to fight the urge of not falling for the corporate trap. I chose to break the cycle in the most spectacular fashion. Now I am free and shameless again. The plan has been sketched and moves have been made.
The only thing that remains is the sun to rise with a new day for me to kill.